I am a glass obsessed bead maker. . . I also make jewelry when I have time but I think glass is truly where my heart is. I like the idea of having this blog as a place to talk about my work and what inspires my new ideas. Looks like a great place for small talk too, so I'm sure I'll throw in a line here or there about my family.
I named this set "Egyptian Divinity" as a result of the influence that inspired the design. As a former muralist, I have done several Egyptian Tomb paintings. One of my favorites was of King Ramses tomb and it featured a life size depiction of "Isis". Her collar was turquoise, jade, gold and ivory and I thought it was just beautiful. I had always been intrigued by the headdresses, collars and jewelry worn by the Egyptian Deities as expressed in the tomb paintings. Anyway, that's a little info on the inspiration for this set of beads as well as a pretty good excuse for the cheesy name.
Guess I'd better go hit the torch. . . See ya again soon!!
Nope! I do not have mice!! My daughter does though. The mouses mommy was ran over by a car in her boyfriend's mom's driveway and of course . . . . Ashley ran to the motherless child's rescue.
She brought "Mr. Jingles" over in a small fish bowl this afternoon. Normally, I don't think mice are much to look at. Especially when they try and sneak in through my drier vent, but this one was TOO cute! I lectured her about rodents and the diseases and all of that good stuff but she still wants to nurse him back to health. She's over 18 . . . What's human mom to do other than try and give a little sound advice. "ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP and only touch him if you are wearing sterile rubber gloves!! Then after you feed him take a HAZMAT shower." lol
Still I couldn't help but be mesmerised as he rolled around in the fish bowl. . . cleaning his ears and scratching his little butt.
Looks like Mr. Jingles has a new mommy. She went to wally world to get him some puppy milk. Hope it's not made by Menu Foods!!