Thursday, December 27, 2007
Auction for Just Vonna
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Wishing you and yours a happy holiday season!
Normally, since we couldn't go to CA, I would choose to make the trip home to my mom's ranch for the holiday. However, my daughter has to work on Christmas Eve, as well as the day after Christmas. Rather than hustle and bustle, a nice Christmas dinner at home seemed like a beautiful idea so that is how we are going to spend our holiday.
I have been thinking lately about how lucky I am to be a full time bead artisan. Many of those thanks go out to you . . . Thank you for the encouragement, kind words, and of course, thank you for purchasing my beads because without you, I would be sitting behind some desk in a cold office building, wondering if I would ever find my place in this world.
From my family to yours, have a very happy holiday and prosperous new year!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thinking of Cheri Blum
Monday, November 5, 2007
No more excuses. . .I HAVE to walk now.
Mark and I checked out the treadmill and it seemed to be a fabulous model at a more than reasonable price. We looked beneath the pedestal that it sat upon but to our disappointment, Walmart had sold out of that particular model. With heavy hearts, we began to walk away in pursuit of other unnecessary sundries. (For example, I later purchased a whiteboard for my office. Did I REALLY need that? NOPE but it sure looks cool hanging in here, just in case I get the sudden urge to doodle, erase and doodle some more.)
Just as we were about to walk away, we began to scan the attire of stander's by in hopes that one of them would be wearing a blue "Walmart" apron. No such luck. . . It seems that you only see them when they have the isle blocked with something and they need for YOU to move so that they can get by. lol Anyway, after playing the Walmart version of "Where's Waldo", we finally found someone that could help us. To my delight, she offered us the display model while cautioning that the manual had gone missing at some point. HUH!!! I didn't care. I didn't even ask for a bigger discount. I just want to be able to take a brisk walk while I watch Judge Judy.
Later in the afternoon, we finally arrived home with the object that would help us to recover from our couch potatoasitis. Mark positioned it perfectly in the corner of our living room, plugged it, turned it on and . . .NOTHING!! NOTHING!! It did not work. Oh, but he was determined to NOT return this big piece of equipment to Walmart for a refund. He's too smart for that and he doesn't give up without a fight. He took it a part and looked at the onboard computer so that he could be sure that everything was plugged in where it should be.
Yep, according to him everything looked fine. A little red light was on and that told him that the unit was getting power. . . "SO what's the problem? Why isn't the motor turning? Why won't the computer display come on?!!!" He shouted. After an hour of frustration in trying to figure our what was wrong with the seemingly cursed treadmill, he decided that it time to consult Google. After much research on the model number, he found out that there is a key that has to be plugged into a slot in the treadmill in order for it to work. It's this little do-hicky thingamabob that exists as a safety feature. I think it keeps people from being flung off of the belt incase they decide to step onto it when it's moving at break-neck speed.
I bet the little key thing was in the packet of paperwork that was lost, that I coincidentally said I didn't think I needed. Actually, my statement to the Walmart employee that sold us the treadmill was, "No paperwork? Who cares. . .I'll take it!!" Luckily I have a pretty smart husband. He rewired the panel so that it works without the key.
After all of that drama, here I am writing about it instead of getting my morning exercise. lol
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Careful what you wish for. . .
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
October? Nuh uh.
The would-be Autumn leaves even seem to be a bit confused. The Fall season is predicted to be exceptionally beautiful due the relentless drought that our region is suffering. It seems that the Maples and Oaks have not received the memo because they are still green. Not a fantastic green either but more of a sad, "Please give me water" green. Oh how I yearn for the vibrant yellows, reds and magentas! Today we are expecting to receive another record breaking day in terms of temperature. High of 93 degrees and NO rain in sight. On the upside, the bins at the Farmer's Market continue to flow over with homegrown tomatoes and yellow squash. :-)
Monday, September 17, 2007
Hi All!!!
Now for a little "bead" talk. . . For awhile now, I have been thinking of switching over to 96 coe glasses. I've been playing with Reichenbach a bit and I have to admit that I am simply in awe of some of the colors they have to offer. The color density is so rich that it seduced me into placing an order for a bunch of it this morning. I can't wait till it gets here so that I can enjoy playing "get to know ya".
Lately I have been struggling with inspiration so I've been revisiting and updating old designs. Sometimes, I can find a really awesome new idea when I do that because I will have learned something along the way that will make the old designs look fresh and new. The silhouette style of beads that feature the black classic motif is one that I never wanted to let go of. I still felt that there was much that I could do to enhance the look but couldn't figure out just how to do it. I don't want the beads to look as though I piled as much as possible on them in efforts to make them look flashy. No, that wouldn't do. The balance of color and form within bead design is too important to me. The chosen elements must make sense and whenever possible, a motif (if used) must flow across the surface almost as though it has a life of it's own. I don't pretend to always nail it. I make more than my share of flops but in a perfect world, every bead that I make would have the perfect balance of form, movement and color. To bad our world is not perfect, huh?
The set that I'm working on now is called "Ruler of the Republic". I am not sure what people will think of them but they most certainly speak to my soul. . . I have had a fascination with Rome since I was child and this set was made with ancient Rome in mind. The color is absolutely striking. . .Hand mixed rich garnet and goldstone. . .pale trans brown and amber with black silhouettes inspired by the diadem of fresh laurel that adorned the head of Gaius Julius Caesar. I'll should be finished with the set later this afternoon and I hate that I must sell these beads BUT making beads is my living so I'll suck it up. . . :-) .
Now, off to ship some stuff. . .Have a wonderful week!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Coming out of my funk. . .
I've been in rare form for the past week or so. I've not felt well and my emotions have surged to straight jacket levels. I am happy to say that I'm feeling much better this week. Normally I try to have my auctions end in prime time hours on Sundays, so listings go up on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This week, I won't have anything to list until Thursday. I've had other projects to work on and I'm a bit behind the eight ball.
Over the weekend I made a few small beads and focals that I plan to use for jewelry. I'm excited about that because I don't get to design very often. I plan to use them for tassels. Last week when I made the New Dawn Rose tassel, I realized that I am really at slim pickings on the Bali findings. . .I had to place an order for more and I can't wait to get them!! I'll be stalking the postman for the next few days. Maybe if I leave him some home baked treats, he'll deliver my silver faster. (LOL!! Like I bake or something.)
Friday, July 6, 2007
Edwin McCain
I hadn't listened to in quite awhile and yesterday when I was cleaning, I came across his CD... covered in a bit of dust in my CD cabinet.
With recent passing of Memorial Day and Independence Day, the depth of the lyrics in "Prayer to Saint Peter" actually made me cry. I don't think I'd ever paid close attention to the song. I more so just kind of hummed along to it because the music was so beautiful and sweet.
So, I wanted to put the lyrics here for people to read. They remind me of those lost in battle as they fought our freedoms. So many of the lives lost were of youthful men who hadn't even had a chance to find out what life was all about and they are truly celebrated in this song.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Roman Bath House Beads

James Allen Workman 1948 - 1989
Most of his life was filled with pain due to his illness. He was a good father and a loving man. He taught me many things and I am thankful for having him for the first 19 years of my life and now, I am thankful for the GOOD memories that he left with me.
He died in 1989. . .A year after receiving his transplanted heart his body continued to reject the new tissue and he passed away. The first few years were very difficult for me to get through. I grieved so hard and I felt so much guilt. . .Wishing that I'd done more for him while he was still living. . .Kicking myself for missed opportunities of spending time with him. I had to let him go for awhile in order to get past the grief. For years, I wouldn't allow myself to think of him much. When I did, I'd push his memory away. Now, his memory is back in the front of my mind again and the grief is as nearly as fresh as if he'd only been gone for a little while. I wish I had the strength to deal with losing him when I was younger so that I wouldn't have to revisit it again. Or, maybe what I am going through is normal. Maybe you never really get over losing a loved one.

The first picture is of my dad at age 12. . . He's the guy on the left in the next pic, my uncle is on the right. We were vacationing in Nags Head NC, which was my father's favorite place in the world. I'm the little girl in the background that didn't notice the camera. Looks like I just suffered a wipeout on my raft or something. I remember that day . .. It was a very good one.

The 3rd pic is of my dad at my Grandmother's house. It was taken years before he became so ill. He used to be a coach. . .He loved the children as much as he loved sports.
The last pic is my father in his last year of life. Obviously he is very ill in this one. My daughter Ashley is the baby that he is holding. I am so thrilled that two could meet before his passing.
Happy Father's Day Daddy. . .I miss you.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ebay Error. . Roman Bath House
This auction is actually for 24 beads, not 20. By the time I realized the error, I already had a bid so now I can't revise the auction. Sorry for the error!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Tribal art
Last night I received a spam email that had something to do with tribal art tattoos. While I don't have one, I have always admired them. The graphic nature of their design never fails to make me think. I like their dramatic look. While they tend to be whimsical, many still maintain a symmetrical balance that harmonizes with the overall design concept.
The email drew me in, hook, line and sinker and I had to visit the site to look at the art. As I sat there clicking through each photo, I couldn't help but to wonder what they would look like on a bead.
I think I found my next challenge, now I can only hope that I don't pull my hair out trying to figure out how to do it. lol
Sunday, June 3, 2007

Friday, June 1, 2007
Featured Artist for June, Annealer Mag
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Cheesy bead set names . . .

I named this set "Egyptian Divinity" as a result of the influence that inspired the design. As a former muralist, I have done several Egyptian Tomb paintings. One of my favorites was of King Ramses tomb and it featured a life size depiction of "Isis". Her collar was turquoise, jade, gold and ivory and I thought it was just beautiful. I had always been intrigued by the headdresses, collars and jewelry worn by the Egyptian Deities as expressed in the tomb paintings. Anyway, that's a little info on the inspiration for this set of beads as well as a pretty good excuse for the cheesy name.
Guess I'd better go hit the torch. . . See ya again soon!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Fairytales, Beads and Princesses

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Ebay listings & errors in grammer.. .
Normally, I catch them before I they have bids. Which is cool because I can still correct them. The "Her Grace" auction was written as follows. . .
"Graceful and elegant in their design, this set of 13 fine lampwork beads offers a soft color pallet of minty copper green, tawny tones of sandstone and sparkling dichroic and goldstone detail"
I didn't notice my error until after I had bids so now I am stuck with my bad use of grammar and the embarrassment that comes along with it. Since I can't live with myself now, I'm never going to sell my beads on ebay again. I am going to start selling Amway instead. I think their stuff has prewritten descriptions. (I'm KIDDING!!!)
Speaking of Amway, do they actually sell stuff or do they just hassle every unsuspecting person that they come into contact with? I heard that they DO sell stuff but of all of the times I've been hassled by one of their people it has NEVER EVER been to get me to buy some of the stuff that they are supposedly selling. It's more so been about going to some lame meeting with money in hand, followed by twenty phone calls asking why I didn't show up. When I tell them that I didn't show up because I didn't recall committing myself to be there, they never fail to tell me what a GREAT opportunity I am missing out on.
I haven't been hassled by the Amway people in a long time but the memories are ever so sweet. lol
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Getting back into the swing of things
It was fun though. We had a blast. I have to admit that I felt a little weird in the midst of so many people. I think that being such a reclusive person over that past year has made me a bit anxious in large crowds. Honestly, I don't know if it's really the crowd that makes me nervous or if it's just me but I tend to think it's the latter. I don't maintain myself the way I used to. Obviously, sitting at the torch for 8-12 hours a day is NOT good exercise and the flame doesn't exactly give you a pretty golden tan. lol
So, that's my new personal focus. I want to keep working hard, but I need to get back to being me. I need to find the time EVERY SINGLE DAY without excuse, to get on my elliptical for at least 20 minutes. I also need to stick to this diet. I have 15 lbs to shed. I can't blame that on the torch, I've packed on about 5 lbs per year for the past three years since I stopped being obsessive over my weight. I think I'll stay away from the tanning beds though. Besides, a golden tan will only enhance the chroma of the burn marks on my hands and arms.
You know what? I miss painting too and I miss gardening. As a newbie, lampworking and jewelry making on a full time basis means working round the clock. Last year flew by for me like no other year before it. That may be because I love what I do with such a passion. Like they say, "If you love what you do for a living, you'll never "work" a day in your life." Well, I DO love my job. I love melting glass and I love crafting things out of the glass that I make. It gives me a level of satisfaction that I never imaged possible with any other career or profession. Having a consistent gateway in which my creativity can flow has even opened up a spiritual conduit that allows me to see things in a different perspective today than I could have a year or two ago. Sounds strange, I know but it's none the less true.
I want to thank all of you that come here to read as I ramble and I want to thank those of you that have supported me as an artist. You guys keep me going and without you, I'd have no reason to want to push my artistic ability to the next level. So . . .Thank you all for your kind emails and encouragement because it means the world to me. Your words lift my spirits on even the grayest of days.
Most of all, I want to thank my husband. He is the absolute foundation of my happiness. He is my identical soul, and I am his. I shudder to think of my life without him, so I won't even go there. Instead, I'll just be thankful that somehow by the grace of fate, our 3,000 mile long path crossed and it was there that we found each other.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Prayers for the Hokies
My cousin Tyler is a 3rd year student at VT. He plays in the band. Last night I was glad to hear that he was fine. He showed up at school around 9:30 to locked doors and he was told to go home.
Motive still unknown. . . I can't imagine for the life of me what would trigger some one's mind to indulge mass murder. Where was the line in this guys head? You know what I mean, the line that most of us KNOW not to cross. Did he contemplate the line at all, or was it just absent altogether? No one will ever really know because the coward took his own life. Actually, now that I think about it, the latter statement tells me that he did see a line and he willing crossed it leaving many parents behind to morn the loss of their loved ones. He blew his own brains so that he would not have to be accountable for his actions. What a psychopath?
The press is having a field day. As I sat watching things unfold yesterday, I wondered how long it would be before they started looking for someone to blame. They were absolutely relentless in their lines of questioning to the students that witnessed the murders. It made me sick. Why would ask a question like, "Now, how has this impacted how you free right now? Do you think that the school was slow in letting you know that a killer was on the loose?" Now, while they may have a point about the timeline in letting these kids know about the murders, they could have at least given it a day or two before they started blaming the school. Some of these reporters remind me of opportunistic ambulance chasers. . . Always looking to make a buck by cracking a big story, checking their empathy at the door.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Air Raid Sirens!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2007
Some new beads

Mark . . .I love you.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Sick :-(
Poor Mr. Jingles bought the farm on Wednesday. My daughter cried for hours and then finally called to tell me that he was gone. She is broken hearted and I'm sad for her. I think the experience was a positive one for this young diva. She learned a bit about being responsibile for someone other than herself. She had to feed the little guy every two hours and keep him warm. She did her best and I am actually proud of her for helping make his last few days better. (I know, he's just a little mouse but was so darned cute!)
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Mr. Jingles

Nope! I do not have mice!! My daughter does though. The mouses mommy was ran over by a car in her boyfriend's mom's driveway and of course . . . . Ashley ran to the motherless child's rescue.
She brought "Mr. Jingles" over in a small fish bowl this afternoon. Normally, I don't think mice are much to look at. Especially when they try and sneak in through my drier vent, but this one was TOO cute! I lectured her about rodents and the diseases and all of that good stuff but she still wants to nurse him back to health. She's over 18 . . . What's human mom to do other than try and give a little sound advice. "ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP and only touch him if you are wearing sterile rubber gloves!! Then after you feed him take a HAZMAT shower." lol
Still I couldn't help but be mesmerised as he rolled around in the fish bowl. . . cleaning his ears and scratching his little butt.
Looks like Mr. Jingles has a new mommy. She went to wally world to get him some puppy milk. Hope it's not made by Menu Foods!!
New Focal Bead . . ."Synchronized Swimming"
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
She Devil

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Sleepy Head
This morning as I was folding clothes, I was not surprised to realize that I had 6 socks left over and none of them matched. I mean, they looked similar and stuff but each had something different about it that made it incompatible with any of the others. I hate that they are lonely and without friends. I shall wear them anyway . . . perhaps it will inspire a new bead. Ah YES!! A bead called "Mystery of the Missing Socks". Ha!! Grrrr. . . I hate the sock monster!! I know he is running around here somewhere and I'd venture to guess that he has six socked feet.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
"Eye of the Beholder"
Black Magic Woman- Focal
New beads